Hello all,
as you may or may not know this is my first proper blog, well ever hahaha!!
So it may not be 100 % perfecto for now but I though to start of with I would talk about my day yesterday which I actually really enjoyed to be quite frank.
To the right of you, you should be able to see the picture of my very good mates that I took yesterday. We decided because it was such a lovely day we were going to trek down to Victoria Park Skating Area for the afternoon, so we did. I have to say it was one of the best town trips ever!! So starting from the left you can see Martin, Kayleigh, Christian and Fluffy.
I had a Maccies that day and two McFlurrys!!!!!!! I should so be obese but im afraid i'm a scrawny little guy.
So yeah I suppose this blog is pretty neat for a first ever go. Please comment and I will try to blog maybe two or three times a day just for you!! Thanks x